Name | Description | Type | Values |
ToastVariantColor | Possible toast colors | string | success , error , warning , info , primary , dark , publish |
ToastPosition | Position of the toast on the screen | string | top-right , top-center , top-left , bottom-right , bottom-center , bottom-left |
StageColorPalette | Color palette for the stage interface | string | PINK , PURPLE , ORANGE , RED , BROWN , TEAL , GREEN , YELLOW |
UserKind | Kind of user | string | MEMBER , PAT , PUBLIC , WEBHOOK |
FieldExtensionType | Data type the field es expected to store | string | STRING , RICHTEXT , INT , FLOAT , BOOLEAN , JSON , DATETIME , DATE , LOCATION , COLOR , ENUMERATION , RELATION , ASSET , UNION |
FieldExtensionFeature | How the field should be rendered | string | FieldRenderer , ListRenderer , TableRenderer |
AppInstallationStatus | App installation status | string | COMPLETED , DISABLED , PENDING |
ColorPalette | Possible palette colors | string | PINK , PURPLE , ORANGE , RED , BROWN , TEAL , GREEN , YELLOW |