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Management SDK field examples


#Create models

apiId: '<your_api_id>',
apiIdPlural: '<your_api_id_plural>',
description: `<your_model_description>`,
displayName: '<Your model name>',
  • apiId: String. The model apiId.
  • apiIdPlural: String. The models plural apiId. This is used for lists.
  • description: Optional - String. Description of the model.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the model in the webapp.

#Update models

apiId: '<your_api_id>',
apiIdPlural: '<your_api_id_plural>',
description: `<your_model_description>`,
displayName: '<Your model name>',
newApiId: `<your_new_api_id>`,
  • apiId: String. The model apiId.
  • apiIdPlural: Optional - String. The model's plural apiId. This is used for lists.
  • description: Optional - String. Description of the model.
  • displayName: Optional - String. Display name that is used to render the model in the webapp.
  • newApiId: Optional - String. The model's new apiId.

#Delete models

apiId: '<your_api_id>',
  • apiId: String. The apiId of the model you wish to delete.

#Simple fields

#Create simple fields

apiId: `<your_api_id>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<your_display_name>`,
embeddableModels: `<embeddable_models>`,
embedsEnabled: `<boolean>`,
formConfig: `<form_config_json>`,
formExtension: `<form_extension>`,
formRenderer: `<form_renderer>`,
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isLocalized: `<boolean>`,
isRequired: `<boolean>`,
isTitle: `<boolean>`,
isUnique: `<boolean>`,
migrationValue: `<migration_value>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
parentApiId: `<parent_api_id>`,
position: `<int>`,
tableConfig: `<table_config_json>`,
tableExtension: `<table_extension>`,
tableRenderer: `<table_renderer>`,
type: SimpleFieldType,
validations: `<SimpleFieldValidationsInput>`,
visibility: `<VisibilityTypes>`,
  • apiId: String Your simple field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Simple field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the field in the webapp.
  • embeddableModels: Optional - String.
  • embedsEnabled: Optional - Boolean.
  • formConfig: Optional - JSON.
  • formExtension: Optional - String.
  • formRenderer: Optional - String.
  • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field hidden if true.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isLocalized: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field required if true.
  • isTitle: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field a title if true.
  • isUnique: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field unique if true.
  • migrationValue: Optional - String. Value which will go in place of null if the field is later made required.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. Model apiId.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. Parent apiId.
  • position: Optional - Integer.
  • tableConfig: Optional - JSON.
  • tableExtension: Optional - String.
  • tableRenderer: Optional - String.
  • type: SimpleFieldType,
  • validations: Field validations.
  • visibility: Field visibility, for example VisibilityTypes.ReadWrite.

#Update simple field

apiId: `<your_api_id>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<your_display_name>`,
embeddableModels: `<embeddable_models>`,
embedsEnabled: `<boolean>`,
formConfig: `<form_config_json>`,
formExtension: `<form_extension>`,
formRenderer: `<form_renderer>`,
initialValue: `<initial_value>`,
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isLocalized: `<boolean>`,
isRequired: `<boolean>`,
isTitle: `<boolean>`,
isUnique: `<boolean>`,
migrationValue: `<migration_value>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
parentApiId: `<parent_api_id>`,
position: `<int>`,
tableConfig: `<table_config_json>`,
tableExtension: `<table_extension>`,
tableRenderer: `<table_renderer>`,
validations: `<SimpleFieldValidationsInput>`,
visibility: `<VisibilityTypes>`,
  • apiId: String Your simple field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Simple field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the field in the webapp.
  • embeddableModels: Optional - String.
  • embedsEnabled: Optional - Boolean.
  • formConfig: Optional - JSON.
  • formExtension: Optional - String.
  • formRenderer: Optional - String.
  • initialValue: Optional - String.
  • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field hidden if true.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isLocalized: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field required if true.
  • isTitle: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field a title if true.
  • isUnique: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field unique if true.
  • migrationValue: Optional - String. Value which will go in place of null if the field is later made required.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. Model apiId.
  • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. Parent apiId.
  • position: Optional - Integer.
  • tableConfig: Optional - JSON.
  • tableExtension: Optional - String.
  • tableRenderer: Optional - String.
  • validations: Field validations.
  • visibility: Field visibility, for example VisibilityTypes.ReadWrite.

#Delete field

apiId: `<your_api_id>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
parentApiId: `<parent_api_id>`,
  • apiId: String. Thr apiId of the field you wish to delete.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. The modelApiId of the field you wish to delete.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. The parentApiId of the field you wish to delete.

#Specific examples

#Title field of type string

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.String,
apiId: '<your_title>',
displayName: '<Your Title>',
isTitle: true,
isRequired: true,
visibility: VisibilityTypes.ReadWrite,

#Simple field of type string

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.String,
apiId: '<your_api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isRequired: true,
visibility: VisibilityTypes.ReadWrite,

#Slug field

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.String,
apiId: '<your_api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
'<Enter the slug for this page, such as about, blog, or contact>',
isRequired: true,
isUnique: true,
tableRenderer: 'GCMS_SLUG',
formRenderer: 'GCMS_SLUG',

#Hidden integer field with custom field validation

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.Int,
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
visibility: VisibilityTypes.Hidden,
validations: {
Int: {
range: {
max: 1000,
min: 0,
errorMessage: '<Counter has to be between 0 and 1000>',

#Required & unique string field with custom regex validation for emails

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.String,
apiId: '<email>',
displayName: '<Email>',
isRequired: true,
isUnique: true,
validations: {
String: {
matches: {
regex: '^([a-z0-9_\\.\\+-]+)@([\\da-z\\.-]+)\\.([a-z\\.]{2,6})$',

#Richtext field

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.Richtext,
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
'<Enter the content for this page. The content uses the rich-text editor, giving you a better visual representation.>',
isRequired: true,

#Richtext with embeds and single allowed embeddable model

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.Richtext,
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
embedsEnabled: true,
embeddableModels: ['<model>'],

#List of date times

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.Datetime,
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isRequired: true,
isList: true,

#Relational fields

#Create relational field

apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
formExtension: `<form_extension>`,
formRenderer: `<form_renderer>`,
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isRequired: `<boolean>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
reverseField: {
apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isUnidirectional: `<boolean>`,
modelApiId: '<model_api_id>',
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
tableExtension: `<table_extension>`,
tableRenderer: `<table_renderer>`,
type: `<relational_field_type>`,
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
  • apiId: String. Your relational field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Relational field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the relational field in the webapp.
  • formExtension: Optional - String.
  • formRenderer: Optional - String.
  • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. The relational field is hidden if true.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. The relational field is required if true. Only supported for RelationalFieldType.Asset.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. Model apiId.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. Parent apiId.
  • reverseField: Reverse relational field input.
    • apiId: String. Your reverse relational field apiId.

    • description: Optional - String. Description.

    • displayName: String. Reverse field display name.

    • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. The field is hidden if true.

    • isList: Boolean.

    • isUnidirectional: Optional - Boolean. The field is unidirectional if true.

    • modelApiId: String. Reverse field model apiId.

    • visibility: Visibility types.

  • tableExtension: Optional - String.
  • tableRenderer: Optional - String.
  • type: Relational field type. For example RelationalFieldType.Asset.
  • visibility: Optional. Visibility types.

#Update relational field

apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
formExtension: `<form_extension>`,
formRenderer: `<form_renderer>`,
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isRequired: `<boolean>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
reverseField: {
apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isUnidirectional: `<boolean>`,
modelApiId: '<model_api_id>',
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
tableExtension: `<table_extension>`,
tableRenderer: `<table_renderer>`,
type: `<relational_field_type>`,
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
  • apiId: String. Your relational field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Relational field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the relational field in the webapp.
  • formExtension: Optional - String.
  • formRenderer: Optional - String.
  • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. The relational field is hidden if true.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. The relational field is required if true. Only supported for RelationalFieldType.Asset.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. Model apiId.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. Parent apiId.
  • reverseField: Reverse relational field input.
    • apiId: String. Your reverse relational field apiId.
    • description: Optional - String. Description.
    • displayName: String. Reverse field display name.
    • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. The field is hidden if true.
    • isList: Optional - Boolean.
    • isUnidirectional: Optional - Boolean. The field is unidirectional if true.
    • modelApiId: String. Reverse field model apiId.
    • visibility: Visibility types.
  • tableExtension: Optional - String.
  • tableRenderer: Optional - String.
  • type: Relational field type. For example RelationalFieldType.Asset.
  • visibility: Optional. Visibility types.

#Delete relational field

Use deleteField method.

#Specific examples

#Required uni-directional asset field

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
type: RelationalFieldType.Asset,
isRequired: true,
reverseField: {
isUnidirectional: true,
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
modelApiId: '<model_api_id>',

#M-n relation

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
type: RelationalFieldType.Relation,
isList: true,
reverseField: {
modelApiId: '<model_api_id>',
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isList: true,

#Union fields

#Create union field

apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
formExtension: `<form_extension>`,
formRenderer: `<form_renderer>`,
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
reverseField: {
apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isHidden: `<boolean>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
modelApiIds: ['<model_api_id_1>', '<model_api_id_2>'],
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
tableExtension: `<table_extension>`,
tableRenderer: `<table_renderer>`,
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
  • apiId: String. Union field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Union field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the union field in the webapp.
  • formExtension: Optional - String.
  • formRenderer: Optional - String.
  • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. The relational field is hidden if true.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. Model apiId.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. Parent apiId.
  • reverseField: Reverse union field input.
    • apiId: Optional - String.
    • description: Optional - String.
    • displayName: Optional - String.
    • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. The reverse relational field is hidden if true.
    • isList: Optional - Boolean.
    • modelApiIds: String. Model apiIds.
    • visibility: Visibility types.
  • tableExtension: Optional - String.
  • tableRenderer: Optional - String.
  • visibility: Visibility types.

#Update union field

apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
reverseField: {
modelApiIds: ['<model_api_id_1>', '<model_api_id_2>'],
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
  • apiId: String. Union field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Union field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the union field in the webapp.
  • modelApiId: Optional - String. Model apiId.
  • parentApiId: Optional - String. Parent apiId.
  • reverseField: updateReverseUnionField. Update reverse union field input.
    • modelApiIds: String. Model apiIds.
  • visibility: Visibility types.

#Delete union field

Use deleteField method.


#Create component

apiId: '<api_id>',
apiIdPlural: '<api_id_plural>',
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
  • apiId: String. Your component apiId.
  • apiIdPlural: String. The component's plural apiId. This is used for lists.
  • description: Optional - String. Your component description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the component in the webapp.

#Update component

apiId: '<api_id>',
apiIdPlural: '<api_id_plural>',
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
  • apiId: String. Your component apiId.
  • apiIdPlural: Optional - String. The component's plural apiId. This is used for lists.
  • description: Optional - String. Your component description.
  • displayName: Optional - String. Display name that is used to render the component in the webapp.
  • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.

#Delete component

apiId: '<api_id>',
  • apiId: String. The apiId of the component you wish to delete.

#Create component field

apiId: '<api_id>',
componentApiId: `<component_api_id>`,
description: `<your_component_field_description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
formExtension: `<form_extension>`,
formRenderer: `<form_renderer>`,
isList: `<boolean>`,
isRequired: `<boolean>`,
parentApiId: `<parent_api_id>`,
position: `<int>`,
tableExtension: `<table_extension>`,
tableRenderer: `<table_renderer>`,
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
  • apiId: String. Your component field apiId.
  • componentApiId: String. Your component apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Your component field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the component field in the webapp.
  • formExtension: Optional - String.
  • formRenderer: Optional - String.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. If true, the component field is required.
  • parentApiId: String. Parent apiId.
  • position: Optional - Integer.
  • tableExtension: Optional - String.
  • tableRenderer: Optional - String.
  • visibility: Optional. Visibility types.

#Update component field

apiId: '<api_id>',
description: `<your_component_field_description>`,
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
isList: `<boolean>`,
isRequired: `<boolean>`,
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
parentApiId: `<parent_api_id>`,
visibility: `<visibility_types>`,
  • apiId: String. Your component field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Your component field description.
  • displayName: Optional - String. Display name that is used to render the component field in the webapp.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. If true, the component field is required.
  • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.
  • parentApiId: String. Parent apiId.
  • visibility: Optional. Visibility types.

#Delete component field

Use deleteField method.

#Specific examples

#Add a field to a component

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
type: SimpleFieldType.String,
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',

#Create basic component field

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
description: '<Your description>',
componentApiId: '<component_api_id>',

#Create a component union field

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
componentApiIds: ['<component_api_id_1>', '<component_api_id_2>'],

#Remove VideoBlock from a component union field

parentApiId: '<parent_api_id>',
apiId: '<api_id>',
displayName: '<Your Display Name>',
componentApiIds: [

#Remote sources

#Create GraphQL remote sources

debugEnabled: `<boolean>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<Your Display Name>`,
headers: `<json>`,
introspectionHeaders: `<json>`,
introspectionMethod: `<get_or_post>`,
introspectionUrl: `<introspection_url>`,
prefix: `<prefix>`,
remoteTypeDefinitions: {
sdl: `<CreateRemoteTypeDefinition>`,
url: `<url>`,
  • debugEnabled: Optional - Boolean.
  • description: Optional - String. GraphQL remote source description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the GraphQL remote source in the webapp.
  • headers: Optional - JSON.
  • introspectionHeaders: Optional - JSON. HTTP headers that will be used for introspection.
  • introspectionMethod: GraphQlRemoteSourceIntrospectionMethod. HTTP method that will be used for introspection.
  • introspectionUrl: Optional - String. Specific URL that will be used for introspection if the introspection is available on a URL other than the regular URL. Can be ignored if the introspection URL is the same as the URL of the remote source.
  • prefix: String.
  • remoteTypeDefinitions: Optional. CreateRemoteTypeDefinition. Custom GraphQL input types that can be used as arguments in remote fields that belong to this remoteSource.
    • sdl: String
  • url: String

#Update GraphQL remote sources

debugEnabled: `<boolean>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<Your Display Name>`,
headers: `<json>`,
introspectionHeaders: `<json>`,
introspectionMethod: `<get_or_post>`,
introspectionUrl: `<introspection_url>`,
prefix: `<prefix>`,
remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpsert: {
remoteTypeDefinitionsToCreate: `<remote_type_definitions_to_create>`,
remoteTypeDefinitionsToDelete: `<remote_type_definitions_to_delete>`,
remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpdate: `<remote_type_definitions_to_update>`,
url: `<url>`,
  • debugEnabled: Optional - Boolean.
  • description: Optional - String. GraphQL remote source description.
  • displayName: Optional - String. Display name that is used to render the GraphQL remote source in the webapp.
  • headers: Optional - JSON.
  • introspectionHeaders: Optional - JSON. HTTP headers that will be used for introspection.
  • introspectionMethod: GraphQlRemoteSourceIntrospectionMethod. HTTP method that will be used for introspection.
  • introspectionUrl: Optional - String. Specific URL that will be used for introspection if the introspection is available on a URL other than the regular URL. Can be ignored if the introspection URL is the same as the URL of the remote source.
  • prefix: String. Unique prefix that will be prepended to all of the remote types. This value cannot be changed.
  • remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpsert: Optional. CreateRemoteTypeDefinition. Custom GraphQL input types that can be used as arguments in remote fields that belong to this remoteSource.
    • remoteTypeDefinitionsToCreate: Optional Remote type definitions to create.
    • remoteTypeDefinitionsToDelete: Optional Remote type definitions to delete.
    • remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpdate: Optional Remote type definitions to update.
  • url: Optional - String

#Create REST remote sources

debugEnabled: `<boolean>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<Your Display Name>`,
headers: `<json>`,
prefix: `<prefix>`,
remoteTypeDefinitions: {
sdl: `<CreateRemoteTypeDefinition>`,
url: `<url>`,
  • debugEnabled: Optional - Boolean.
  • description: Optional - String. REST remote source description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the REST remote source in the webapp.
  • headers: Optional - JSON.
  • prefix: String. Unique prefix that will be prepended to all of the remote types. This value cannot be changed.
  • remoteTypeDefinitions: Optional. CreateRemoteTypeDefinition. Remote type definitions that the remote source supports, or input types that can be used by any remote field of this remote source.
    • sdl: String
  • url: String

#Update REST remote sources

debugEnabled: `<boolean>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<Your Display Name>`,
headers: `<json>`,
prefix: `<prefix>`,
remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpsert: {
remoteTypeDefinitionsToCreate: `<remote_type_definitions_to_create>`,
remoteTypeDefinitionsToDelete: `<remote_type_definitions_to_delete>`,
remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpdate: `<remote_type_definitions_to_update>`,
url: `<url>`,
  • debugEnabled: Optional - Boolean.
  • description: Optional - String. REST remote source description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the REST remote source in the webapp.
  • headers: Optional - JSON.
  • prefix: String. Unique prefix that will be prepended to all of the remote types. This value cannot be changed.
  • remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpsert: Optional. CreateRemoteTypeDefinition. Remote type definitions that the remote source supports, or input types that can be used by any remote field of this remote source.
    • remoteTypeDefinitionsToCreate: Optional Remote type definitions to create.
    • remoteTypeDefinitionsToDelete: Optional Remote type definitions to delete.
    • remoteTypeDefinitionsToUpdate: Optional Remote type definitions to update.
  • url: String

#Delete remote source

prefix: `<prefix>`,
  • prefix: String. The prefix of the remote source you wish to delete.

#Custom sidebar element

#Create custom sidebar element

appApiId: `<your_app_id>`,
appElementApiId: `<your_app_element_id>`,
config: `<JSON>`,
description: `<your_description>`,
displayName: `<Your Display Name>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
  • appApiId: String. Your App's apiId.
  • appElementApiId: String. apiId of the App element to create custom sidebar element with.
  • config: Optional - JSON. JSON metadata associated with the sidebar element.
  • description: Optional - String. Description for the sidebar element.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the sidebar element in the webapp.
  • modelApiId: String. apiId of the model associated with the custom sidebar element.

#Delete custom sidebar element

appApiId: `<your_app_id>`,
appElementApiId: `<your_app_element_id>`,
modelApiId: `<model_api_id>`,
  • appApiId: String. Your App's apiId.
  • appElementApiId: String. apiId of the App element associated with the custom sidebar element.
  • modelApiId: String. apiId of the model associated with the custom sidebar element.


#Create enumeration

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
description: `<description>`,
displayName: `<display_name>`,
values: {
apiId: `<api_id>`,
displayName: `<display_name>`,
  • apiId: String. Enumeration apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Enumeration description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the enumeration in the webapp.
  • values: CreateEnumerationValue. Enumeration values.
    • apiId: String. Enumeration value apiId.
    • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the enumeration value in the webapp.

#Update enumeration

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
description: `<description>`,
displayName: `<display_name>`,
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
valuesToCreate: {
apiId: `<api_id>`,
displayName: `<display_name>`,
valuesToDelete: [`<value_1>`, `<value_2>`],
valuesToUpdate: {
apiId: `<api_id>`,
displayName: `<display_name>`,
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
  • apiId: String. Enumeration apiId.

  • description: Optional - String. Enumeration description.

  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the enumeration in the webapp.

  • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.

  • valuesToCreate: Optional - String. createEnumerationValue. Enumeration values to be created.

    • apiId: String. Enumeration value apiId.
    • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the enumeration value in the webapp.
  • valuesToDelete: Optional - String. Values to delete.

  • valuesToUpdate: Optional - String. updateEnumerationValue. Enumeration values to be updated..

    • apiId: String. Enumeration value apiId.
    • displayName: Optional - String. Display name that is used to render the enumeration value in the webapp.
    • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.

#Delete enumeration

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
  • apiId: String. apiId of the enumeration you wish to delete.

#Create enumerable field

apiId: 'enumField',
description: 'Description',
displayName: 'Enum Field',
parentApiId: 'Post',
enumerationApiId: 'Variation',
  • apiId: String. Enumerable field apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Enumerable field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the enumerable field in the webapp.
  • parentApiId: String. Parent apiId.
  • enumerationApiId: String. Enumeration apiId.

#Update enumerable field

apiId: 'enumField', // required
parentApiId: 'Test', // required
description: 'Description',
displayName: 'Enum Field Update',
initialValue: 'Value 1',
isHidden: false,
isList: false,
isLocalized: false,
isRequired: false,
isTitle: false,
isUnique: false,
migrationValue: 'Value 1',
position: 0,
visibility: 'READ_WRITE',
  • apiId: Required - String. Enumerable field apiId.
  • parentApiId: Required - String. Parent apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Enumerable field description.
  • displayName: String. Display name that is used to render the enumerable field in the webapp.
  • initialValue: String. Initial value of the field.
  • isHidden: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field hidden if true.
  • isList: Optional - Boolean.
  • isLocalized: Optional - Boolean.
  • isRequired: Optional - Boolean. Makes the field required if true.
  • isTitle: Optional - Boolean.
  • isUnique: Optional - Boolean.
  • migrationValue: String. Migration value of the enumerable field.
  • position: Optional - Integer.
  • visibility: Field visibility, for example VisibilityTypes.ReadWrite.

#Delete enumerable field

Use deleteField method.


#Create locale

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
description: `<description>`,
displayName: `<Display Name>`,
  • apiId: String. Locale apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Locale description.
  • displayName: String. Display name associated with the locale.

#Update locale

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
description: `<description>`,
displayName: `<Display Name>`,
isDefault: `<boolean>`,
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
  • apiId: String. Locale apiId.
  • description: Optional - String. Locale description.
  • displayName: Optional - String. Display name associated with the locale.
  • isDefault: Optional - Boolean. If true, this is the default locale.
  • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.

#Delete locale

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
force: `<boolean>`,
  • apiId: String. Locale apiId.
  • force: Optional - Boolean. If true, deletion is forced.


#Create stage

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
color: `<color>`,
description: `<description>`,
displayName: `<Display Name>`,
position: `<int>`,
  • apiId: String. Your stage apiId.
  • color: Select from ColorPalette.
  • description: Optional - String. Your stage description.
  • displayName: String. Display name associated with the stage.
  • position: Optional - Integer.

#Update stage

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
color: `<color>`,
description: `<description>`,
displayName: `<Display Name>`,
newApiId: `<new_api_id>`,
position: `<int>`,
  • apiId: String. Your stage apiId.
  • color: Optional. Select from ColorPalette.
  • description: Optional - String. Your stage description.
  • display: Optional - String. Display name associated with the stage.
  • newApiId: Optional - String. New apiId.
  • position: Optional - Integer.

#Delete stage

apiId: `<your_app_id>`,
  • apiId: String. apiId of the stage you wish to delete.


#Create app

This example shows how to create an app installation in an environment.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
appApiId: "analytics-app",
displayName: "Analytics App",
configuration: {
apiKey: null,
trackingId: null
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the app will be installed.
  • appApiId: String. The unique API ID of the app to install.
  • displayName: String. The name displayed for the app in the UI.
  • configuration: Object (Optional). The app's configuration settings.
    • apiKey: String (Nullable). API key for authentication, if required.
    • trackingId: String (Nullable). Tracking ID for analytics apps, if applicable.
  • status: String. The current setup status of the app (INCOMPLETE_SETUP, ACTIVE, etc.).

#Delete app

This example shows how to remove an app installation from an environment.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
appApiId: "old-seo-app"
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment from which the app will be removed.
  • appApiId: String. The unique API ID of the app to uninstall.

#Custom renderers and app fields

This example demonstrates how to create a simple field with custom table and form renderers in an environment.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Car",
apiId: "appField",
type: "STRING",
displayName: "App Field",
description: null,
initialValue: null,
tableRenderer: "CUSTOM",
formRenderer: "CUSTOM",
tableExtension: null,
formExtension: null,
formConfig: {
alg_text_name: "Some custom text",
appApiId: "myapp-test",
appElementApiId: "myAppField"
tableConfig: {
appApiId: "myapp-test",
appElementApiId: "myAppField"
isList: false,
isLocalized: false,
isRequired: false,
isUnique: false,
isHidden: false,
embeddableModels: [],
visibility: "READ_WRITE",
isTitle: false,
position: 8,
validations: null,
embedsEnabled: null,
visibilityCondition: null
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the field will be created.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Car").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID for the field.
  • type: String. Defines the field type (e.g., "STRING").
  • displayName: String. The human-readable name of the field.
  • description: String (Optional). A description of the field, if applicable.
  • initialValue: String (Optional). The default value of the field.
  • tableRenderer: String. Specifies how the field is rendered in the table view ("CUSTOM" in this case).
  • formRenderer: String. Specifies how the field is rendered in the form view ("CUSTOM" in this case).
  • tableExtension: String (Optional). Extension used for the table renderer.
  • formExtension: String (Optional). Extension used for the form renderer.
  • formConfig: Object (Optional). Configuration for the form renderer.
    • alg_text_name: String. Custom text for the form field.
    • appApiId: String. The API ID of the related app.
    • appElementApiId: String. The API ID of the related app field.
  • tableConfig: Object (Optional). Configuration for the table renderer.
    • appApiId: String. The API ID of the related app.
    • appElementApiId: String. The API ID of the related app field.
  • isList: Boolean. Determines if the field supports multiple values.
  • isLocalized: Boolean. Determines if the field supports multiple locales.
  • isRequired: Boolean. Determines if the field is mandatory.
  • isUnique: Boolean. Determines if the field value must be unique.
  • isHidden: Boolean. Determines if the field is hidden from editors.
  • embeddableModels: Array. A list of models that can be embedded in this field.
  • visibility: String. Defines the field's visibility ("READ_WRITE", "READ_ONLY", etc.).
  • isTitle: Boolean. Determines if this field is used as the model's title field.
  • position: Integer. The position of the field in the schema.
  • validations: Object (Optional). Contains validation rules for the field.
  • embedsEnabled: Boolean (Optional). Determines if embedded content is allowed.
  • visibilityCondition: Object (Optional). Defines conditional visibility rules for the field.

#Create sidebar element

This example shows how to create a custom sidebar element in a model.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Car",
apiId: "customNotes",
type: "CUSTOM",
displayName: "Custom Notes",
config: {
widgetType: "CUSTOM",
helpText: "Add additional notes here"
position: 3
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the sidebar element will be created.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Car").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID for the sidebar element.
  • type: String. Defines the type of sidebar element (e.g., "CUSTOM").
  • displayName: String. The human-readable name displayed for the sidebar element.
  • config: Object (Optional). Configuration settings for the sidebar element.
    • widgetType: String. Specifies the type of widget ("CUSTOM" in this case).
    • helpText: String (Optional). Additional helper text displayed in the sidebar.
  • position: Integer. Defines the order of the sidebar element within the sidebar.

#Update sidebar element

This example shows how to update an existing sidebar element.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Car",
apiId: "status",
newConfig: {
widgetType: "CUSTOM",
options: ["Draft", "Published", "Archived"]
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the sidebar element exists.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Car").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID of the sidebar element to update.
  • newConfig: Object. The updated configuration settings for the sidebar element.
    • widgetType: String. Specifies the updated widget type ("CUSTOM" in this case).
    • options: Array of Strings (Optional). A list of selectable options, if applicable.

#Delete sidebar element

This example shows how to delete a sidebar element from a model.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Car",
apiId: "oldWidget"
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the sidebar element exists.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Car").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID of the sidebar element to delete.

#Remote fields

#Create remote field

This example shows how to create a remote field for fetching product reviews from an external API.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Product",
apiId: "productReviews",
displayName: "Product Reviews",
description: "Fetches reviews for a product from an external API",
remoteSourceId: "<your-remote-source-id>",
method: "GET",
path: "/api/reviews/product/{{doc.productId}}",
returnType: "ReviewMeta",
inputArguments: [
apiId: "productId",
type: "STRING",
isRequired: true
visibility: "READ_WRITE",
isList: false,
isLocalized: false,
isRequired: false,
isUnique: false,
isHidden: false,
position: 5
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the remote field will be created.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Product").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID for the remote field.
  • displayName: String. The human-readable name of the field.
  • description: String (Optional). A brief explanation of the field's purpose.
  • remoteSourceId: String. The ID of the remote source where data will be fetched from.
  • method: String. The HTTP method used to fetch data ("GET", "POST", etc.).
  • path: String. The API endpoint path where data is retrieved.
  • returnType: String. The expected return type of the remote field (e.g., "ReviewMeta").
  • inputArguments: Array of Objects. The parameters required for the remote request.
    • apiId: String. The API ID of the input argument.
    • type: String. The data type of the argument (e.g., "STRING").
    • isRequired: Boolean. Defines whether the argument is mandatory.
  • visibility: String. Defines the field's visibility ("READ_WRITE", "READ_ONLY", etc.).
  • isList: Boolean. Determines if the field can store multiple values.
  • isLocalized: Boolean. Determines if the field supports multiple locales.
  • isRequired: Boolean. Defines whether the field must always have a value.
  • isUnique: Boolean. Defines whether values must be unique across entries.
  • isHidden: Boolean. Determines if the field is hidden from the UI.
  • position: Integer. The position of the field in the schema.

#Update remote field

This example shows how to update an existing remote field.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Product",
apiId: "externalStock",
newConfig: {
remoteFieldPath: "data.stock",
type: "INTEGER"
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the remote field exists.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Product").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID of the remote field to update.
  • newConfig: Object. The updated configuration settings for the remote field.
    • remoteFieldPath: String. Specifies the new data path within the remote source.
    • type: String. Defines the updated data type of the remote field (e.g., "INTEGER").

#Delete remote field

This example shows how to delete a remote field from a model.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Product",
apiId: "legacyPrice"
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the remote field exists.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Product").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID of the remote field to delete.

#Conditional visibility

This example shows how to set conditional visibility for a field based on another field's value.

environmentId: "<your-environment-id>",
parentApiId: "Product",
apiId: "materialType",
newConfig: {
visibilityCondition: {
baseField: "buildingMaterial",
operator: "IS",
booleanValue: null,
enumerationValues: ["plexiGlass"]
  • environmentId: String. The ID of the environment where the field exists.
  • parentApiId: String. The API ID of the parent model (e.g., "Product").
  • apiId: String. The unique API ID of the field to update.
  • newConfig: Object. The updated configuration settings for the field.
    • visibilityCondition: Object. Defines the conditional visibility rule for the field.
      • baseField: String. The API ID of the field that determines visibility.
      • operator: String. The comparison operator (e.g., "IS", "IS_NOT", etc.).
      • booleanValue: Boolean (Nullable). Used for boolean-based conditions (true, false, or null).
      • enumerationValues: Array of Strings (Optional). Defines which enumeration values trigger visibility (e.g., ["plexiGlass"]).