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Hook function for sidebar elements.


  • extension
    • config
      type object
      Global configuration of the field
    • sidebarConfig
      type object
      Configurations that display at the sidebar level
  • form
    type Object | Form
    Contains methods to interact with the content form
  • model
    type Model
    Details about the current model
  • allLocales
    type Locale
    Array of locales
  • stages
    type Stage
    Array of stages
  • entry
    • id
      type string | null
      Id of the entry
    • createdBy
      type object of type User
      Who created the entry
    • updatedBy
      type object of type User
      Who updated the entry
    • createdAt
      type string
      When it as created
    • updatedAt
      type string
      When it was updated


<FormSidebarExtensionProps | interface>