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#Custom remote source and field configuration

In this video, Bryan uses Federate this - our collection of mock APIs and information for federated data sources in GraphQL - to show you how to add data from a remote API to your Hygraph project step-by-step.

#Configure the remote source

Navigate to the Schema builder and click on +Add next to Remote sources to create a new one. Use the following information:

Display nameThird Party APIs
TypeSelect REST
Base URLhttps://www.federatethis.com/api

Custom type definition:

Click + Add custom type definition and we'll paste the product type and products array from Federate This:

type Product {
id: Int
name: String
price: Int
description: String
image: String
category: String
rating: Float
numReviews: Int
countInStock: Int
type Products {
data: [Product]

We'll also add the following under Products:

type ProductMeta {
data: Product

What we just added will have a data field that will bring a singular product.

Click Add at the top-right corner of your screen to create the remote source.

Once the remote source is created, you can use it to add a remote field.

#Configure remote field

After configuring our remote source, go to Schema > Query and add a top-level remote field, which will allow us to connect our products list as data directly in our API.

To add your remote field, click on REST from the right sidebar and use the following information:

Display nameProducts
API IDproducts
Remote sourceThird Party APIs is selected by default. Leave it as it is
MethodGET is selected by default. Leave it as it is
Return typeUse the dropdown to select ProductMeta

Click Add at the bottom of the screen to create your remote field.

If we wanted to bring specific information into a Product model, we'd have to add a Remote Field into that model.

If you do not have a Product model yet, you can go to your Schema and click + Add next to Models and use the following information to create it:

Display nameProductPage
API IDproductPage
Plural API IDproductsPages

Let's also add some fields to this model. We won't be adding price or any other information that is otherwise in out API. We will only add fields that we want to add to our data and that Editors will be able to work with.

We'll start with a single line text field that we'll use as a title:

Display nameTitle
API IDtitle
Use as title fieldSelect this checkbox

We'll add a slug field:

Display name Slug
API IDslug
LowercaseLeave this checkbox selected

We'll add a Rich Text field:

Display nameBody
API IDbody

We need to associate the data in this model with the data that's in our API, and for that we'll add another single line text field, using the following information:

Display nameAPI ID

At this point we're ready to add our remote field. We'll scroll down the right sidebar and add a REST field using the following information:

Display nameProduct data
API IDproductData
Remote sourceThird Party APIs is selected by default. Leave it as it is
MethodGET is selected by default. Leave it as it is
Return typeUse the dropdown to select ProductMeta

Click Add to save your remote field.

Let's create an entry for our ProductPage model. Navigate to Content editor > ProductPage and click + Add entry.

We'll use the following information:

TitleProduct 1 with extra data
BodyUse the dropdown tos elect Heading 2 and write "This is a headline".
API IDThis is where we will write the API ID of our product. IN this example we'll write "1".

We'll click Save & publish and go to the API Playground to test this.

Let's run the following query:

This query brings all the information we just added in to the content entry that we created, which comes from Hygraph's data, and also includes the productData data, which comes from the API and is associated through the API ID field we added earlier.

Now imagine you also want to add your product reviews here. Federate this has sample reviews that we can use to try this. We'll go back into the schema builder and edit our remote source by adding 3 new custom type definitions.

In our remote source, we'll click on + Add new custom type definition. We'll do this three times, to add the following types:

Don't forget to click Save at the top-right of your screen to update your remote source.

Next, we're going to add this to our ProductPage model as a REST remote field. To do this, navigate to Schema builder > ProductPage, select the REST field from the right sidebar, and use the following information:

Display nameProduct Reviews
API IDproductReviews
Remote sourceThird Party APIs is selected by default. Leave it as it is
MethodGET is selected by default. Leave it as it is
Return typeUse the dropdown to select ReviewtMeta

Click Add to save your remote field.

The way we have set this up allows for the product details and the reviews from that product to pull from a single API ID, which we included in the API ID field that we added to our schema earlier and to which we assigned a value in the sample entry we created.

Now we can go back to the API Playground to test this using the following query:

The response now contains the 3 sample reviews that were included in Federate This.

#Commercetools remote source configuration

#Get your commercetools keys

Before we start, there is some data we will need from your commercetools account:

Go to Settings > Developer settings > API clients. Click + Create new API client to create one from scratch, give it a name and select the scopes you need for your project.

In our example we will select the Project scope under Manage. Click Create API client at the top-right of the screen.

The resulting screen contains the information you will need to configure your remote source. Save it for later, and let's continue with the process.

#Commercetools Remote Source

Commercetools Remote SourceCommercetools Remote Source

Navigate to the schema builder and click +Add next to Remote Sources. Use the following information to configure your remote source:

Remote source typeSelect Commercetools
Authorization URLThis is the Auth URL in the API client details view of your commercetools account. Instead of copying it directly from there, copy the URL on the first line of the cURL below. Paste that in the Authorization URL field of your Hygraph Remote Source.
ScopesThis is the Scope in the API client details view of your commercetools account. Copy it and paste it in Hygraph, then click + Add scope to add.
Client IDThis is the client_id key in the API client details view of your commercetools account. Copy it and paste it in Hygraph. This is like a username.
Client SecretThis is the secret key in the API client details view of your commercetools account. Copy it and paste it in Hygraph. This is like a password.
Display nameThis is the display name of your Remote Source, we will write "Commercetools" here.
PrefixCompleting the display name autocompletes the prefix, you can leave it as is.
TypeSelect GraphQL
Base URLTo form the base URL, you will use the API URL and the project_key from the API client details view of your commercetools account, like this: https://<COMMERCETOOLS_API_URL>/<PROJECT_KEY>/graphql.

Click Add Remote Source at the bottom of the screen to save your Remote Source.

#Commercelayer remote source configuration

#Get your Commercelayer keys

Before we start, there is some data we will need from your Commercelayer account:

Go to Applications > Add new. Select a type, for this example we will select Sales Channel, give it a name, and click Get credentials.

The resulting screen contains the information you will need to configure your remote source. Save it and let's continue with the process.

#Commercelayer Remote Source

Commercelayer Remote SourceCommercelayer Remote Source

Navigate to the schema builder and click +Add next to Remote Sources. Use the following information to configure your remote source:

Remote source typeSelect Commercelayer
Authorization URLCopy the Base endpoint in your Commercelayer credentials screen, paste it in Hygraph, and add /oauth/token at the end, like this: https://<YOUR_BASE_ENDPOINT>/oauth/token.
ScopesWe won't add anything here for this example.
Client IDCopy the Client ID in your Commercelayer credentials screen and paste it here.
Client SecretWe won't add anything here for this example.
Display nameThis is the display name of your Remote Source, we will write "Commercelayer" here.
PrefixCompleting the display name autocompletes the prefix, you can leave it as is.
TypeSelect REST
Base URLCopy the Base endpoint in your Commercelayer credentials screen and paste it here.

Click Add Remote Source at the bottom of the screen to save your Remote Source.

#Working with custom input types

In this example, we will see how we can define and use a custom input type on a Remote Field. We will be using the Github REST API, specifically the users endpoint.

#Step 1: Configure Github as Remote Source

We'll first add the Github API as a Remote Source and configure the right custom (input) types.

Set up a new remote source. If you don't know how to do this, please check out our documentation, using [https://api.github.com](https://api.github.com) as the base URL, then add a custom type with the following SDL:

type User {
avatar_url: String
bio: String
blog: String
company: String
created_at: DateTime
email: String
events_url: String
followers: Int
followers_url: String
following: Int
following_url: String
gists_url: String
gravatar_id: String
hireable: Boolean
html_url: String
id: Int
location: String
login: String
name: String
node_id: String
organizations_url: String
public_gists: Int
public_repos: Int
received_events_url: String
repos_url: String
site_admin: Boolean
starred_url: String
subscriptions_url: String
twitter_username: String
type: String
updated_at: DateTime
url: String

Also add a custom input type with the following SDL:

input githubInput {
userId: String!

#Step 2: Set up the Remote Field

In an appropriate model, set up a REST Remote Field. In this example, we will use a model called Author and set up the Remote Field with apiId githubUserDetails. In the Remote Field config, add an input argument and select the input type to be the previously created githubInput. In the example, we will use the auto-generated API ID githubInput for the input arguments. We'll also set the field to be required since we will make the path depend on the input value.

Example - Input argumentExample - Input argument

Now configure the Remote Field's path to use the input argument. You can use the autocomplete feature in the handlebars notation for this.

Example - Remote Field pathExample - Remote Field path

#Step 3: Query the field

Make sure there is at least one entry for the selected model, and then head over to the API Playground. The input argument can now be used in a query in the following way:

query MyQuery {
author(where: { id: "<some_id>" }) {
githubUserDetails(githubInput: { userId: "hygraph" }) {

#Fetching a product catalog

This example shows a product content entry that fetches the product catalog from a Remote Source.

Besides the data that lives in Hygraph inside a regular model called Product - Product name, product description, etc - you can fetch a product catalog from an external API through a remote source that you added to the Product model as a Remote Field.

Remote Field exampleRemote Field example

Requests will return information in Hygraph - Product model - as well as information in the Remote Source, called myCatalogue in our Product model for this example.

The frontend could then use this information received through the Hygraph Content API to display the product page enriched with the product catalog.

#Add any REST source

This video tutorial covers adding a remote REST source into Hygraph.

Tim shows us the two ways to query a REST remote source:

  • Adding a global instance for the source, so we can query it from anywhere in our code.
  • Using metadata to query from content editing in the CMS.

#Top-level Remote Fields

This example uses Top-level Remote Fields to show us a product information content entry that fetches the product catalogue from an external API, unrelated to Hygraph.

Besides the data that lives in Hygraph inside a regular model called Product information - Slug, Title, Description - you can fetch a product catalogue from an external API through a Remote Source that you add to the Query model as a Remote Field.

Top-level Remote Field exampleTop-level Remote Field example

Requests will return information in Hygraph - Product model- as well as information in the Remote Source, called fieldremoteproduct in our Query model for this example.

The frontend could then use this information received through the Hygraph Content API to display the product page along with a product catalogue sourced from an external API.

#E-commerce platform

This video tutorial covers adding a remote source to Hygraph and creating Top-Level Remote Fields to pull in data from the external e-commerce platform, BigCommerce.