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Commenting is a functionality designed with larger teams containing multiple Editors in mind, to promote work collaboration. You will be able to leave comments in content entries, as well as receive notifications related to the comments.

You can find the comments on the sidebar of a content entry, by clicking on the Comments button at the top.


At the top, the sidebar displays how many comments there are in the current content entry, along with a status filter to help you quickly find what you're looking for.

Comments number & status filterComments number & status filter

In the Comments sidebar, you can:

  • Leave a new comment: Write your comment in the text box located at the top of the Comments sidebar and click Add. You can mention people as well as project roles in your comment by using @, which will display a list of users and roles for you to select from. Mentioning people or roles may cause an alert to pop up in their notifications, and/or receive an email depending on their notifications configuration.
    • Assign a comment: When you're writing a new comment, you can click Assign to assign it to a team member in the project. Upon clicking, a list of users will display and you can simply select one with a click.
  • Use the status filter: This dropdown menu allows you to sort comments by All, Assigned,Open, and Resolved.
  • Reply to a comment: If you want to reply to a specific comment, you can click Reply under it. Once saved, the comment will display as nested within the parent comment. You can click Reply to show it, or Hide to hide it.
  • Use the context menu: Use this menu to access the following actions.
    • Edit: Clicking on this option allows you to edit the contents of a comment, then click Update to save it. You can only edit your own comments while they are open. This option only displays for your own comments.
    • Resolve / Re-open: Clicking on this option marks the comment as resolved / re-opened. The people mentioned in the comment will be notified.
    • Un-assign: Clicking on this option un-assigns a comment.
    • Copy link: Clicking on this option copies the link to the comment. When used, that link will lead to the comment, which will be highlighted in order to be easily found.
    • Delete: Clicking on this option deletes the comment. This option only displays for your own comments.