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Content stages

#Default stages

Hygraph has two default stages, DRAFT and PUBLISHED. DRAFT allows people to add and edit content without affecting published content. When the content is ready to be pushed, it is added to the PUBLISHED stage.

You can see the stage of a content entry on Stages column of the form in the content editor:

Content stagesContent stages

Note that the PUBLISHED stage tag is sometimes green and sometimes blue.

  • Green means that the contents of the entry are the same as the contents currently published.
  • Blue means that the published content is outdated, that is, that the contents of the entry are a newer version than what is currently published.

Clicking on Publish will update the version currently live so that the contents are the same as the entry.

Publish buttonPublish button

Note that if you make any changes to the content entry, this button will say Save & Publish instead.

Check out our Update content document to learn more.

#Content staging

Content staging is a useful tool that allows Editors to compare versions of content in different stages. Remember that content might be in the blue PUBLISHED stage, meaning it is outdated - the version online is different from the version in your content editor.

To compare versions:

  1. Navigate to the entry you want to compare in the content editor, and access its contents by clicking on the pencil icon.
  2. Find the Stages section on the sidebar.
  3. Click on the dropdown menu to display the options, and click on Compare with current draft.

You will get a side by side view of both entries. The live (currently published) version displays on the right of the screen, while your DRAFT or outdated version displays on the left.

#Revert changes

Revert changesRevert changes

When Editors want to quickly revert changes so their DRAFT or outdated content is the same as what is currenlty live in the PUBLISHED stage, they can compare the two content stages and choose which fields to revert, like so:

  1. In the comparison view that you accessed in the previous section, find the field that you want to revert changes for.
  2. Click on the Restore published value arrow icon next to the field. This will make it so your DRAFT or outdated content has the same value as what is currently published. Do this for all the fields that have values you want to revert.
  3. Click on Save or Save & Published, depending on what you need to do.

This saves content teams time and energy by ensuring they don't need to do double the work when trying to roll back changes.