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Editor Guides

Our Editor guides offer information on how to use Hygraph to create content and collaborate with other people on your team.

These documents outline the basic navigation and key functions performed under the Editor role in Hygraph, including reviewing, editing, and publishing content to the site.

A Headless CMS differs from a traditional CMS in a variety of ways. The term headless comes from the idea of removing the “Head” or front end from the “Body” of the back end. Headless CMSs are essentially a content repository that make it accessible via API to any platform. Headless CMSs are inherently more flexible than traditional CMSs because since there is no assumption that a team is building a website, teams are able to build all sorts of products, from apps, to Alexa Skills, to LED Displays, or multiple of these at once.

Headless CMSs empower content teams to quickly create, modify, and upload content to their chosen project without the need of the development teams. Dev teams set up the project structure, called the schema, and content teams are able to take over and add content without needing Devs to make any further changes.

Headless CMSs speed up development of new projects and opens up a new realm of possibilities for creating new products or elements quickly.

#Section contents

This section offers a contents map to help you readily find what you're looking for.

#Basic navigation

This section contains documents that will help you easily navigate the Hygraph App.

Access HygraphThis document contains information on how to log in and out of Hygraph.
App navigationThis document contains information on the different sections of the hygraph app. Please note that as an Editor you may not be able to see all sections, as this depends on project configuration.
Roles & permissionsThis document contains information on system roles and custom roles.
Project structureThis document contains information on what the Schema is and how this will impact your work.
Troubleshootinghis document contains a list of frequently reported issues and how to solve them.

#Content creation

This section covers all aspects of content creation that may be relevant to an Editor.

The content editorThis document contains information on Hygraph's content editor, default and custom content views, as well as app views.
Create contentThis document contains a simplified step-by-step tutorial on content creation.
Edit contentThis document contains a step-by-step guide on how to access and edit already created content.
Review contentThis document contains information on the steps you need to follow if your role implies reviewing others' work.
Update contentThis document contains information on outdated content and how to update it.
Search contentThis document contains information on how to use the built in search tool in the content editor.
Filter contentThis document contains information on how to create filters to easily find content entries. It also covers how different filters display according to your Schema configuration, general filter conditions and step-by-step instructions on how to use system filters.
Localize contentThis document contains information on how to work with translations. It covers adding translations to an existing entry, adding translations to a new entry, and how to show and hide translations.
Publish contentThis document contains information about content publishing. It covers basic information on content stages, how to publish already created content, and scheduled publishing.
Delete contentThis document contains information on how to delete content both from the content table itself, as well as from inside the content entry.
Duplicate contentThis document contains information on how to duplicate content.
Field typesThis document contains information on how to work with all the different types of fields that you may find as an Editor in a content entry.


This section covers our collaboration tools.

NotificationsThis document contains information on how Hygraph notifications work.
CommentingThis document contains information on how to use the commenting tool when collaborating with other Editors.

#Other features

This section covers related information you may find useful.

Content stagesThis document contains information on Hygraph's default content stages, using content staging to compare entry versions, and how to revert changes.
Content versionsThis document contains information on content versions, which allow you to view the evolution of the project's published content
Content releasesThis document contains information on how content releases work, how to create / edit / delete them, and their limits.
Configure columnsThis document contains information on how to customize the way the entry forms look in the content table.
WorkflowsThis document contains information on how to create workflows to ensure your teams work comfortably while preventing unwanted actions to take place.
WebhooksThis document contains basic information on what webhooks are and what they may be used for in your project.
Asset managerThis document contains information about the asset manager. Learn how to work with assets, how to upload assets, and how to create an asset entry.
Editor best practicesThis document contains a list of suggested Editor best practices.