Easily restore your project to a previous version with our new feature.

Access Hygraph

#Log in

To access Hygraph, navigate to our app URL, fill in your credentials and click on Continue. Depending on your company, your credentials might be your email address and password, or you can log in using a Facebook, GitHub, or Google account.

After a successful login, you get to the project overview page. The projects you are a member of will display here under My projects. Once you locate the project you want to access, click on it. This will display the project homepage, which contains useful widgets, such as last edited schema elements, and access to our documentation and videos.

Would you like to know more? Click here to learn how to navigate the Hygraph App.

#Log out

To log out of Hygraph, simply click on your user menu - located on the lower left corner of the screen - then click on Log out.


Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that simplifies the login process by allowing users to access multiple applications or systems with just one set of login credentials.

Companies often choose to use SSO because it improves security by centralizing user authentication and enabling stronger password policies. Using SSO, companies can implement strong access controls, ensuring that only authorized users can access sensitive information.

As an Editor using Hygraph for your work, SSO allows you to connect via your company domain or mail address.

If your company uses SSO, access Hygraph, enter your work email and click on Continue. Hygraph will detect that your company has SSO enabled and will redirect you to your company's SSO.

The specific steps for SSO vary depending on the implementation and the SSO provider chosen by your company. Please contact your team lead for specific steps on how to log into your company's SSO.