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Recently viewed


Editors often work in projects with a lot of content views and content entries. Hygraph offers a way to quickly go back to content entries that they recently accessed or edited.

This feature increases editor productivity and saves time by providing shortcuts to recently viewed content. It is designed to make finding content easier, preventing Editors from having rely on memory or search through different content views to find a recently accessed content entry.


You can access a menu with shortcuts to your recently viewed content entries by clicking on the clock icon on the left navigation.

Recently viewed menu accessRecently viewed menu access


Simply click on one of the entries to open it in the content editor. Optionally, you can use your keyboard to select an entry and press enter.

The content form of the selected entry will open in the same tab.

Recently viewed menuRecently viewed menu

The list of up to 30 content entries will display sorted by recency, with the most recent entries showing at the top.

It shows all recently viewed entries including the ones that were opened from inside a content form, such as an Author entry opened from the Book entry.

Please note:

  • The list only shows the entries viewed by the current user.
  • It is project & environment specific: Users can only see entries in the project and in the environment that they're currently viewing.
  • Users can see recently viewed entries dating back up to one month.


There is no search available in the recently viewed menu. However, if you check the recently viewed section of the command menu, you can to use the search there to find a content entry.

#Inaccessible entry

If a user tries to open an inaccessible entry (due to removal or permission loss), an error message displays.

  • Entry removal: The user sees a message indicating that the entry cannot be found.
  • Permission loss: The user sees a message indicating that they do not have permission to view the entry.