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Manage your project's locales


Hygraph allows you to define language variations within your project through locales.

You can add locales to your project and then configure fields in your schema to be localizable.

#Manage locales

To manage your project locales go to Project settings > Locales in your Hygraph project.

Project localesProject locales

#Add locale

The default locale is English, but you can edit this or add additional locales by selecting a language from the Display name dropdown and then clicking + Add.

Add localesAdd locales

#Edit locale

To edit a locale, simply click Edit and change the necessary information.

Edit localesEdit locales

#Delete locale

To delete a locale, simply click on the context menu and select Delete.

Delete localesDelete locales

The context menu will only display for additional locales, as it is not possible to delete the default locale.

Delete locales confirmationDelete locales confirmation

A confirmation message will display when you attempt to delete a locale. Click on the Delete button to confirm the deletion.