Easily restore your project to a previous version with our new Instant One-click Backup Recovery

Reserved terms

This document contains a list of reserved terms, organized by category. Attempting to use these terms will result in a warning, informing you that you must use a different word instead.

Reserved term warning in the UIReserved term warning in the UI

#GraphQL type names

  • int
  • boolean
  • date
  • datetime
  • enum
  • float
  • fragment
  • input
  • interface
  • json
  • mutation
  • node
  • query
  • scalar
  • string
  • subscription
  • union

#Reserved non system type names

  • Color
  • ColorInput
  • Entity
  • HEX
  • Id
  • Locale
  • Location
  • LocationInput
  • RGBA
  • RGBAHue
  • RGBATransparency
  • RichText
  • RichTextAST
  • ScheduledOperation
  • ScheduledRelease
  • Search
  • Status
  • User

#Reserved non system field names

  • createdat
  • createdby
  • documentInStages
  • history
  • id
  • locale
  • localizations
  • publish
  • publishedat
  • publishedby
  • status
  • updatedat
  • updatedby
  • versions