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Apps are a core aspect to Hygraph's extensibility. They extend the capabilities of your Hygraph project by bringing in functionality from tools and services you're accustomed to using within your workflows.

In this documentation section, you'll find step-by-step guides that will help you integrate Hygraph with a number of apps, as well as additional information on how to use those apps in your Hygraph project.

#Installing apps

You can install an app by selecting it from our Marketplace, where you can navigate the apps page to find what you're looking for, or filter them by category.

Apps in Hygraph MarketplaceApps in Hygraph Marketplace

Once you find the app that you want to integrate your Hygraph project with, you can click on its card to display the app details page. The details page contains everything you need to get started, such as basic app information and links to our step-by-step integration guides.

Simply click on the purple installation button to start.

In general, the installation process starts by prompting you to select which project and environment you want to install the app in, then authorizing the necessary permissions. The last step involves providing some information in your app's configuration page to ensure your project is linked to it. The information required there depends on the app, as different apps have different prerequisites. Each app integration guide details what that information is, and how to find it in the app you're integrating. Please take a look at our Section contents to learn about available apps.

#Modifying apps configuration

There are situations where you might want to change the information you initially provided in the configuration screen when you first installed an app. For instance, some apps require you to select models, asset types, or provide keys.

To edit this information, navigate to the Apps section of you Hygraph project, find the card of the app you need to edit information for, then click on the pencil icon.

Edit app informationEdit app information

Clicking on the pencil icon opens the configuration page, where you can edit the information that you provided during the initial configuration.

#Uninstalling apps

To uninstall an app, navigate to the Apps section of you Hygraph project, and click on the Uninstall app icon.

Uninstalling appsUninstalling apps

To ensure that you don't accidentally delete an app, you will need to confirm that you want to do this by typing the name of the app in a confirmation popup, then clicking on the Uninstall app button.

#Apps in cloned environments

When you clone an environment, any installed apps are also copied. However, for security purposes, cloned apps will be in an "incomplete setup" state.

To fully activate the app, you must manually re-enter sensitive details like passwords or API keys.

Once the setup is complete, the app will function just as it did in the original environment.

#Section contents

This section offers a contents map to help you readily find what you're looking for.

#Digital assets management

Connect AprimoContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Aprimo.
Connect AWS S3Contains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with AWS S3.
Connect BynderContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Bynder.
Connect CloudinaryContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Cloudinary.
Connect ImgixContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Imgix.
Connect MuxContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Mux.
Connect Scaleflex FilerobotContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Scaleflex Filerobot.

#Headless commerce & ecommerce

Connect BigCommerceContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with BigCommerce.
Connect commercetoolsContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with commercetools.
Connect ShopifyContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Shopify.

#Hosting & deployment

Connect NetlifyContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Netlify.
Connect VercelContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Vercel.


Connect LokaliseContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Lokalise.
Connect CrowdinContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Crowdin.
Connect EasyTranslateContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with EasyTranslate.
Connect SmartlingContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Smartling.

#Artificial intelligence (AI)

Connect AltText.aiContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with AltText.ai.


Connect AdminixContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Adminix.
Connect PlasmicContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Plasmic.

#Product information management

Connect AkeneoContains all the necessary information to integrate your Hygraph project with Akeneo.