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Hygraph Vs. ButterCMS

Explore Hygraph as a ButterCMS alternatives

#Why Hygraph is a better alternative to ButterCMS?

ButterCMS is good for blog sites, marketing websites, or small-scale projects. However, unlike Hygraph, it lacks important capabilities required for large scale projects such as building an e-commerce site, portal, knowledge base, or digital products that require user-generated content.

Even for smaller projects, ButterCMS has limitations as it only provides a REST API; and no GraphQL API. This API is only for read operations on the standard plans, and read-write on the enterprise plans. There’s no API for content management or mutations.

From an extensibility perspective, you can’t connect ButterCMS to any third-party REST or GraphQL API. There’s no SDK to build custom plugins or applications to add functionalities to the platform.

Lastly, ButterCMS does not offer audit logs and neither the ability to choose your datacenter location; important capabilities needed by enterprises.

#Challenges you are likely to face with ButterCMS

You are likely to face these challenges when using ButterCMS:

  • It offers a REST API for content delivery. Having a REST API as opposed to a GraphQL API, has its own limitations in terms of performance and functionality.
  • It does not offer a management or mutations API.
  • It only offers high-level permissions for content and no detailed permissions. For instance, you can allow a user to access “blogs”, but can’t add a condition (e.g., { "author": "John" }), or define stages.
  • Custom roles and permissions are only available on enterprise plans.
  • It does not offer the ability to create multiple Permanent Auth Tokens with detailed permissions for the API.
  • It does not allow you to connect to any third-party API.
  • It does not offer an app framework, plug-ins or UI extensions to connect to other platforms or add functionalities to the CMS.
  • There are no other options to choose from and this is a challenge if you are looking to host in your own region.
  • It offers no audit logs at the moment.
  • It lacks depth when it comes to certain content management capabilities. For instance, it doesn’t offer custom content stages, batch edits, scheduling content as part of a release, advanced content search, and more.

On the other hand, Hygraph offers the capabilities to solve all of these challenges. Sign up for a free developer account to experience the difference.

#API and Core Features



Cloud Hosted (SaaS)
Custom Regions
GraphQL Content API
GraphQL Management API
GraphQL Mutations
GraphQL Native
Public API
Public API Permissions
API Playground
Front-End Agnostic
Image Delivery and Transformation API
Migration Tools
Simple User Permissions
Granular User Permissions
On premises hosting / Self
Open Source
Permanent Auth Tokens
Global CDN
Advanced Cache Invalidation
Environment Management (Master, Sandbox, etc.)
Connect to a Third-Party REST API
Connect to a Third-Party GraphQL API

Learn more about Hygraph's core features.

#Content Modelling



Schema Builder
Field Validations
Nested Components
Flexible Content Modelling
Localisation (i18n)
Nested Fields
Required Fields
Saved Queries
Searchable Content
Sortable Relations
Unique Fields

#Editorial Features and Content Management



Batch Overwrites
Batch Operations (Editing)
Batch Operations (Publish/Unpublish)
Batch Operations (Delete)
Content Type: Asset Picker
Content Type: Booleans (Checkbox)
Content Type: Color
Content Type: Date and Time
Content Type: Enumeration (Dropdown)
Content Type: Float (Decimals)
Content Type: Integers (Numbers)
Content Type: JSON Editor
Content Type: Map
Content Type: Markdown
Content Type: Multi-Line Text
Content Type: References
Content Type: Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG)
Content Type: Single Line Text
Custom Metadata
Custom Roles
Custom Stages
Custom Workflows
Global Content CDN
GraphQL Unions (Polymorphic Relations)
Image Editor
Multiple Environments
Project Cloning
Rich Editing Interface
SEO Friendly
Static Site Generator Friendly

Explore all of Hygraph's capabilities on our features page and docs.

#Digital Asset Management



Asset Transformations
Assets from Facebook
Assets from Google Drive
Assets from Instagram
Assets from Search
Assets from System
Assets from URL
Digital Asset Management (DAM)
Add Fields to the Default Asset Model
Global Asset CDN
SEO Optimized Asset Management

#Community and resources



Examples : Blog
Examples : Gatsby
Examples : Gridsome
Examples : NextJS
Examples : NuxtJS
Examples : ReactJS
Examples : Sapper
Examples : Svelte
Examples : Union Types
Examples : VueJS
Reference App : eCommerce
Reference App : Events and Conferences
Reference App : Marketing Website
Reference App : Podcasts
Reference App : Travel & Hospitality

Explore more references on our GitHub profile, or view examples created with Hygraph and popular frameworks like Gatsby, NextJS, Svelte, Gridsome, and Vue, amongst others.

#Plans and Pricing



Additional API Operations1,000,000/month 10c/10,000 On top
Additional Asset Traffic500GB/month 10c/1GB On top
Content Entries10,000 - unlimited50 - Custom
Custom Pricing
Enterprise Plans
Free forever community plan30 day trial
Free trial for Premium features
Monthly and Annual Plans
Plans in EUR
Plans in USD
Pricing ByProjectProject
Self Service Plans

Get started with a free forever developer plan or explore our other pricing options to accommodate your scaling needs.

#Security, compliance, and support



24/7 Infrastructure MonitoringUnknown
Advanced Firewall RulesUnknown
Audit Logs
Choice of Data Center
Community Support
Customer Success
Dedicated InfrastructureUnknown
Email Support
Encryption at rest
Encryption in transit
GDPR Compliant InfrastructureUnknown
Implementation Partner Network
Login with Github
Login with Socials
Onboarding and Architecture Support
Onsite Chat
Project Backups
Public Slack ChannelUnknown
SLA Performance
SLA Support
Solution Architects
SSO SupportUnknown
User Management Unknown

Get started for free, or request a demo to discuss larger projects