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Integrate Hygraph with imgix to bring in and manage your digital assets.

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About imgix

imgix is the leading visual media platform that businesses choose to provide faster webpages, creative freedom and simpler development. They offers robust image and video processing, global content delivery, and intelligent asset management.

imgix empower companies to optimize and deliver stunning visual experiences with their powerful APIs, SDKs, Asset Manager, and CDN. They enable the processing and delivery of images and videos on-the-fly to any device within milliseconds.Their rendering API offers intelligent resizing, cropping, and stylization, enhancing web performance, SEO, and user engagement, while their Asset Manager enables direct uploads, effective collaboration, and easy asset organization.

About the Hygraph and imgix App

The integration allows our mutual users to bring imgix directly into their Hygraph project, where it provides powerful image optimization, transformation, video delivery, asset management, and CDN service, all the while simplifying the content editing workflow.

The imgix Hygraph integration is for users who:

  • Wish to accelerate how quickly their web/app pages load
  • Are looking to save engineering and marketing time spent managing visual media and customizing their content
  • Seeking to enhance SEO
  • Want to accelerate their creative design and deployment process on all platforms

Prerequisites to use this integration

  • You must have a Hygraph account. If you don't have one, you can create one here.

  • You must have a Hygraph project with at least one model.

  • You must have an imgix account. If you don't have one yet, you can create one here.

Quickstart and Resources

Full documentation for the App can be found here.

To get familiar with imgix, we recommend starting with the Quick Start Guide on the imgix website.

For any assistance with using apps or sharing any feedback, get in touch with us via our on-site chat or via our community Slack.

Build your own app

Build your own app using our SDK and extend Hygraph functionalities according to your unique requirements.