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13 CMS horror stories

What are the worst things that can happen when using a CMS, and how can you avoid them?
Jing Li

Written by Jing

Oct 28, 2024
CMS horror stories

Do you know that haunting feeling when CMS doesn't work out? Lost content, costly integrations, and endless workarounds can make even the best teams suffer. This spooky season, we'd like to share some CMS horror stories from the Hygraph developers, marketers, and some of our partners so you can avoid common mistakes and rethink how you manage your digital experience.

#Did you mean to publish all the changes?

CMS horror stories

You know that moment when your boss asks for an urgent, easy fix, and your ADHD kicks in, searching for that quick dopamine boost? Life taught me a lesson when I ignored the "saved but not published" button and went straight to publishing. Having made the fix and published the page without realizing there were other changes (made by someone else on the team), I proudly told my boss, "Job's done." Only to discover I had accidentally pushed some new visuals along with it. Fortunately, versioning was already in place, so it was just a one-second fix. No users were affected... or were they?
Gabriel Zanzotti

Gabriel Zanzotti

Senior Frontend Engineer at Hygraph

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#But, is CMS versioning the real savior?

CMS horror stories

With many headless solutions, versioning can be challenging. Data itself may have a history (who, when, what), but the schema behind it, meaning which entities (blog, CMS elements, landing page) exist and what fields they contain, is seldom well-documented. They are commonly clicked together in a web interface and then are difficult to reproduce (e.g., transferring from production to stage). If this is not managed carefully, production and stage environments can drift apart.
Carsten Dütschke

Carsten Dütschke

Head of Development at Shopmacher

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#When content modeling goes wrong

CMS horror stories

Once, I was challenged to solve a project in which the content modeling had gone completely wrong…

It was obvious that the schema and the editor UI had been mixed up. New content was created in the schema, and the schema inputs were used as fields. As a result, there was a collection of content entries in the editor UI as page models.

To fix this, I had to start over and recreate the whole project basically. The good news was that we succeeded despite a lengthy and painful reworking process.

Nikolay Vasilev

Nikolay Vasilev

Lead Sales Engineering at Hygraph

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Learn about modeling content with Hygraph

We have a dedicated section on our documentation site to guide you through every step you will encounter when using a CMS. Make sure to take a look: Hygraph’s guide to content modeling.

#Never assume, always check

CMS horror stories

My biggest gotcha in the past months turned out to be quite a trivial rule: "Never assume, always check." There are tons of CMS on the market right now. Many of them use similar approaches and best practices for structuring content, which you may sometimes repeat automatically.

But this could crash your project if you don't double-check whether a "best practice" adopted for one CMS (or even for most of them) is compatible with your particular choice.

Anastasiia Zubkova

Anastasiia Zubkova

Frontend Developer at Bejamas

Bejamas's logo

#One too many choices

CMS horror stories

Sometimes, it can be challenging to choose the right tools and frameworks to get the most out of flexible architecture or to consciously decide against it. Do we need the latest fad? That's the question here. For example, for a project, we implemented Storyblok, which was (in this case) totally unnecessary, and what they do can easily be implemented with the built-in tools of SW6.
Sabine Götz

Sabine Götz

Lead Consultant New Business at Shopmacher

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Would you like some help choosing a headless CMS?

Read our comprehensive article to understand the essential parts to check when choosing a CMS and the 5 best headless CMS options.

#API costs

CMS horror stories

While the API-first approach of a headless CMS provides powerful integrations, we quickly realized the need to monitor our usage closely. Each API call incurred costs, and those costs add up faster than we anticipated. It was a learning experience to keep an eye on our API usage and optimize our calls to avoid unexpected expenses. This taught us the importance of careful management and budget control in API interactions.
David Brinkmann

David Brinkmann

Head of Marketing at Macaw

Macaw's logo

#A traditional approach? Not enough!

CMS horror stories

At WeFuse, we love a challenge. One of the world's leading automotive brands needed 13 sites in each country of operation. A traditional CMS was too limited for this thirteen-country, multilingual brand project, like cramming a city hatchback, a heavy-duty pickup truck, and a luxurious limousine into a rusty mini-cooper with square wheels.

A headless CMS was exactly what the client needed—it could be customized for every region, offered end-to-end performance and seamless integrations, and allowed the release of new websites within a few weeks when the engine was hot. Now that's a road trip we can all enjoy!

Dimitri Quadflieg

Dimitri Quadflieg

Co-Founder at WeFuse

WeFuse's logo

How to successfully move from a monolithic setup to headless?

Find out how our customers overcame the monolithic challenge of moving to a headless CMS and how the change yielded positive outcomes.

#The golden(SEO) middle might not be that shiny

CMS horror stories

My story involves the evergreen battle between the developers and marketing teams and the SEO attempts to get them aligned.

While working at Toggl, and when we decided to move all products under one brand, I was in charge of making sure all domain migrations ran smoothly and because Toggl had its blog on a subdomain and as any well-behaved SEO, this was my chance to get the combined blogs under a subfolder. The good side of it was that all 3 blogs ran on WordPress which made the content migration easy; the bad side was that the new public website was supposed to run on Gatsby (cool, new SSG at the time).

The dev side, rather unhappy to work with the marketing project to begin with didn’t want to hear about WordPress (mainly for the fact that no one was a PHP developer) and the marketing side who wanted WordPress in its full form together with using all the plugins we were using, meaning no headless WP was an option. This left me with the final solution, which was to set up a reverse proxy. In summary, here’s a small insight into the issues we have ran across:

  • The WorePress instance was being served from a root domain, and the actual blog from Toggl’s domain was supposed to be shown from a blog subfolder and to solve this we tried probably 10 different things that ended up in redirect loops that caused us headaches for a week at least.
  • Given that we would practically have the blog shown on two different domains, we had to hide one from the search engines. Our WP hosting partner told us we needed to set up redirects which again ended up in a redirect loop so we settled in on x-robots header which kept randomly appearing where it shouldn’t be on the production blog until we found a way to permanently strip it on the proxy instance.
  • The original setup had pages loading in 500ms - 1s, the new reverse proxy set up brought that to 3-5s
  • To fix that, we had to set up a cache for up to 2h which made the marketing team rather unhappy because for updates on the website they may need to wait up to 2h for them to be reflected on the website
  • We oversaw the fact that we had a robots.txt file accessible on the domain where our actual blog was hosted and proxied from which caused us to scratch our heads 2 months later when the pages still weren’t being indexed.

The upside was that it eventually worked, and the traffic had doubled (combined blog vs sum of all parts), but at what cost.

Dino Kukic

Dino Kukic

Head of Demand Generation at Hygraph

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#Used the wrong embed code

CMS horror stories

If you’ve read our previous series on how we use Hygraph for our daily project, you may already know that we use markdown to format our blog, and we defined a series of markdown components to display different elements in our blog visually. The in-line elements are stored in a shared Notion document as code blocks, which I can copy and paste whenever needed. However, we are only human, so sometimes I choose the wrong component and realize it after previewing the post.

For example, we created our own code for embedding YouTube videos instead of using YouTube's embed code directly, so the video would appear differently. We also have note blocks for different kinds of messages: questions, tips, reading recommendations, etc. However, sometimes, I just used my all-time favorite: the editor's note, instead of choosing the most appropriate components.

Jing Li

Jing Li

Senior Content Manager at Hygraph

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#Forgot about the publishing date

CMS horror stories

The default publishing date in our previous CMS project was 15th December 2020. It sometimes happens that when I hit publish, the blog doesn't show it on the front page. It turned out that the blog appeared on the very last page since it had a default publishing date.
Jing Li

Jing Li

Senior Content Manager at Hygraph

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#Duplicating assets

CMS horror stories

If I cannot know if an asset has been used in multiple content entries, I just create a new asset entry rather than updating an existing one.
Romina Soto

Romina Soto

Senior Technical Writer at Hygraph

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#Holiday mix-up

CMS horror stories

In a hilarious mishap, we once set the automatic publish date wrong for a content package. Our Halloween campaign accidentally went live at Easter! The spooky-themed posts popping up amidst the springtime celebrations gave everyone a good laugh and a memorable surprise. It was a lighthearted reminder for us to always double-check those publish dates. Despite the mix-up, it became a funny story we love to share and laugh about.
David Brinkmann

David Brinkmann

Head of Marketing at Macaw

Macaw's logo

#Publishing too soon

CMS horror stories

I’ve got a light-hearted confession to make about a little CMS incident during our rebrand. Everything was running smoothly as we prepped for launch—until we accidentally hit "publish" on the staging site instead of the production test site.

For a brief (but glorious) moment, the entire world had access to our "Top Secret Page of Meat and Food Jargon", complete with all the delightful captions.

It quickly reverted the changes—but not before our CEO got a notification about the unexpected "food mystery." Thankfully, it was taken with good humor!

Let this be a gentle reminder to double-check your staging content before hitting that publish button. Even the most serious CMS work can sometimes come with unexpected flavors!

Kat McGuire

Kat McGuire

Marketing Director at Nearform

Nearform's logo

#How to avoid CMS horrors/mistakes

This wouldn’t be a Hygraph kind of a story if we only stopped at all the laughter. Certainly, it’s that time of the year to gather around spooky stories, but we all want to avoid common mistakes when working with a CMS. Based on these stories, we have some thoughts about avoiding CMS horrors.

Double-check before publishing

Many CMS horror stories are light-hearted, but they can be easily avoided if you are careful: Always hit the “save” button before publishing, double-check before hitting the “publish” button, and set up a solid workflow for publishing content set the tone for how you use your CMS.

It is also important to review the content right after it has been published. Your website is merely an “out of sight, out of mind” task. Take a look at what's been published and you are still in time to cover most of the errors.

Learn best practices

Because there’s no single answer to how you should use your CMS, many times, we learn how to make the most of our CMS by looking at best practices from others. For example, a company-wide taxonomy system can help locate all assets in your CMS and avoid asset duplicates, and learning from case studies and tutorials can help equip you with the necessary knowledge of how you should conduct your tech stack.

Never assume, learn your own case

Indeed, as our partner, Anastasiia Zubkova from Bejamas, mentioned, you should never assume. Just because one piece of advice works on one setup, it doesn’t mean it’d necessarily work for you. Most importantly, you should know clearly what you want to achieve with your project. Think twice before following the crowd. It's the same when it comes to your tech stack: don't just buy it because people rave about it. Think about whether the fancy features are actually going to help your use case, and don't just use WordPress or Wix just because others use them.(Just read our article to see how flawed they are.)

Furthermore, if you have selected a SaaS solution, your vendor will have your best interest at heart, so proactively communicating with them is important. SaaS vendors want you to have the best user experience, so they will surely help if you have trouble. When did you last jump into a check-up call with your CMS vendor and say everything is fine, just because you needed a little time to focus on your release? It might be possible to get your release out much more quickly if you have actually prepared for the call and asked for some help.

Plan and monitor your costs

Your project doesn't end after you purchase a CMS solution, but rather it begins with a whole new adventure, which is why you need to plan and monitor how you use your new CMS. You should know roughly how much extra spending you'll have with the integrations and IT costs at the beginning of your project. Keeping an eye on the costs will help you keep a better handle on them.

#Final words

Did these stories give you a chill? Despite sounding lighthearted, the stories can provide valuable lessons. It is always best practice to double-check before publishing, keep an eye on costs, and work closely with your team. Hopefully, you enjoyed reading the stories from peers in the CMS industry and can avoid similar mistakes after reading this article. If you have questions or doubts about how to properly use your CMS, Hygraph is always here to help.

Blog Author

Jing Li

Jing Li

Jing is the Content Marketing Manager at Hygraph. Besides telling compelling stories, Jing enjoys dining out and catching occasional waves on the ocean.

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