Insights and discussions on software architectures
What is a Content Hub?
A content hub is the central source of content for your content needs, metadata, assets, marketing initiatives, and other enriched content.
What is content modeling?
Content modeling is the process of creating a logical taxonomy structure for the content you create and distribute online.
What is structured content?
Structured content is content that is planned, developed, and connected outside of a presentation interface so that it's ready to be consumed by any interface.
The era of application content
Application Content is intended for mobile apps, streaming platforms, web apps and more. Content today is “application content.” Content needs to be interacted with, personalized, contextually adapted, and omni-accessible.
What is the Content Mesh? And how does a Headless CMS fit in?
The “Content Mesh”, coined by Gatsby’s co-founder Sam Bhagwat, is an approach to moving away from monolithic structures and adopting best-of-breed microservices to build resilient projects.
Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) and Headless CMS
Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) assist companies in delivering better omnichannel customer experiences across several digital touchpoints.
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