Watch the recording of our latest webinar: How Voi Technology scales multilingual content faster with Hygraph!


Starters are end-to-end reference applications that are ready to clone and deploy. They typically come with a completed Hygraph project (with a consumable schema), a code repository, and a frontend, to get you started with your own.

Blazity mark

Enterprise Content Starter from Blazity

Hygraph has partnered with the amazing team at Blazity to bring together enterprise best practices into a large-scale content website and codebase. This comprehensive toolkit is packed with features and tools designed to empower content creators and developers like never before.

Icon for SKNCRE, a Hygraph cosmetics brand e-commerce demo in Next.js

SKNCRE, a Hygraph cosmetics brand e-commerce demo in Next.js

A composable commerce demo with Hygraph, Next.js, and an external API for product data.

Icon for SKNCRE, a Hygraph cosmetics brand e-commerce demo in Astro

SKNCRE, a Hygraph cosmetics brand e-commerce demo in Astro

A composable commerce demo with Hygraph, Astro, and an external API for product data.

Blog icon

Nuxt Microblog

A microblog using Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS, and Hygraph

Blog icon

Next.js Microblog

A microblog using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Hygraph

Blog icon

Astro Microblog

A microblog using Astro.js, Tailwind CSS, and Hygraph

Icon for Hygraphlix, a movie streaming platform demo

Hygraphlix, a movie streaming platform demo

A composable movie streaming platform demo built with TypeScript using Hygraph, NextJS 14, Tailwind CSS, Mux, and federated movie metadata from an external API.

Icon for SKNCRE, a Hygraph cosmetics brand e-commerce demo

SKNCRE, a Hygraph cosmetics brand e-commerce demo

A composable commerce demo with Hygraph, NuxtJS, and an external API for product data.

Icon for Next 14 eCommerce starter

Next 14 eCommerce starter

A simple eCommerce experience using Next.js, TailwindCSS, a custom reviews API, and Hygraph as a PIM.

Icon for To-Do App

To-Do App

Simple to-do app built with Hygraph, Next.js, Next/Auth, and SWR, focused on user-generated content with task management.

Icon for Marketing Website

Marketing Website

Marketing website focused on selling subscription-based SaaS products, built using Hygraph, Next.js, and Chakra UI.

Icon for Documentation


Build and manage documentation with the official Hygraph Docs Starter, built using React, Remix, and TailwindCSS.