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Getting started with Hygraph: makeover edition

Say hello to our new project-based learning path, a comprehensive journey that covers all the major features of Hygraph.
Lo Etheridge

Written by Lo

Nov 07, 2023
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#Introducing the new & improved getting started with Hygraph

We're thrilled to introduce to you a revamped and exciting way to get started with Hygraph. Say hello to our new project-based learning path, a comprehensive journey that covers all the major features of Hygraph. We've designed it to be engaging and packed with practical examples.

Step by step, you’ll move through the process of creating a schema, building models, setting up references, implementing validations, and managing digital assets for an e-commerce store front for wearables and home goods. We'll also guide you through content creation using the Hygraph Content editor.

But that’s not all! You'll get in-depth instruction and practice creating components, working with remote sources, and exploring the world of content localization. Last, you’ll take a tour of Hygraph’s API Playground where you can practice the art of data transformation and manipulation through queries and mutations.

The new Getting Started learning path is a vibrant mix of theory and practice, designed to give you an overview of Hygraph's capabilities and how to use them together to create a digital vision that mirrors your brand and organizational goals.

#Updated getting started features include:

  • How to create components
  • How to add remote sources
  • How to use the API to practice queries & mutations
  • How to connect Hygraph to a frontend
  • And more!

By the time you reach the end, you'll be the creator of a feature-packed Hygraph e-commerce project. You'll have complete content models that contain practical examples and best practices for references and components. And to top it all off, you'll have a working frontend implementation to showcase your hard work.

We're not just teaching you to use Hygraph, we want you to feel empowered to build remarkable things, to innovate, and to push the boundaries of what's possible with Hygraph!

Get started with Hygraph

Checkout the new onboarding experience.

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Blog Author

Lo Etheridge

Lo Etheridge

Senior Developer Relations

Lo is Hygraph's Senior Developer Relations Specialist. They focus on developer education around Headless CMS, JS-based frontends, and API technologies as well as the dynamic cross-functional relationship between developers and content professionals.

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