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Working with Swift and Hygraph
As phone applications become increasingly complex, working with Swift and GraphQL endpoints. This post shows example of working with GraphQL endpoints in Swift.
Announcing Hygraph Examples
In this post, we take an in-depth look at the Hygraph examples repo on Github and some of the tools that can work in tandem with Hygraph.
Announcing the Official Hygraph Todo App Starter
Introducing the Todo App starter built using Hygraph, Next.js, NextAuth.js, SWR, and Tailwind. Quickly get started with user generated content.
Announcing the Official Hygraph Portfolio and Blog Starter
Introducing the Developer Portfolio and Blog starter built using Hygraph, SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, and GraphQL request. Quickly get started with your portfolio.
Looking Back: Hygraph in 2021
2021's coming to an end, and we've had an incredible year! Here are our favorite highlights and moments we'd like to share with you.
Working with React Dropzone and Hygraph Uploads
Upload files to Hygraph, and store them as assets using React Dropzone.
Video Reactions with Remix and Hygraph
Learn how to capture video reactions with Remix actions and store them using GraphQL within your Hygraph project.
Hygraph Emerges as a "Leader" in the Headless CMS Category on G2
We're excited to share that Hygraph has been recognized as a Leader among other Headless CMS!
Hygraph Talks with Delba de Oliveira from Vercel
We caught up with Delba de Oliveira from Vercel to discuss how Hygraph and Next.js work together to build flexible, performant websites with focus on Content-heavy and eCommerce sites.
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